
Showing posts from August, 2015


Many are now clinging to the vestiges of their vacations. That leisurely stroll along the beach at sunset is now a mere fading romantic recollection and some even start to dream of Christmas. Ever so gently autumn makes a silent approach, skilfully paving the way for her more aggressive sister, winter. Frustration often overcomes those who return to work after a lengthy holiday and conflicts can arise but there is no reason to give in and accuse the world of entering into demise. There are certain things that we must live with and one thing that we learn as we grow is that heartache will follow us wherever we go. “The truth." Dumbledore sighed. "It is a beautiful and terrible thing, and should therefore be treated with great caution.” Earth can be a lonely place but at this moment in time there is immense beauty and an alluring charm as the heat drifts out of the night and is replaced by a cooler and more welcoming air. The Madrid skyline soothes us as it fades t