
At 06:33 it was still dark. Completely dark… and it would remain so for some time. The words that echoed through his head were those of his mother saying that she was being punished for abandoning her parents. She had not abandoned her parents; she had left the UK with her own family in search of a better life. Decades later, her own children had left South Africa in search of a better life. She felt this was a punishment and guilt was administered in large doses. Her youngest son now lay in the all-consuming darkness and pondered this, a topic that had interested and troubled him his entire life. It seemed that so many people entered into stagnation because they were afraid to move away, afraid to break with tradition, afraid to seek their own path. At the same time, it struck him how many had suffered, were suffering, and would suffer as a result of their families moving away. Having no children, it was easy to claim that he would simply be happy for his own if they had moved t...