
Awaking just after 5am, thinking about putting plans into action, is not a great way to start the week. The plans are those of getting my cats out of the house so that the windows can be replaced. They are to spend the day at my neighbour’s. Tomorrow will be a repeat. It is a total nightmare. Getting cats out of the house is worse than trying to get children ready and out of the house (I've lived briefly with people who have had to do this). Children just cry and require care. Cats physically refuse to move from wherever they are. It takes great strategy to coordinate a move of these feline freaks of the animal world. 

Of course, once I succeeded, unleashing them into their temporary and unfamiliar surroundings resulted in them instantly darting for the darkest corner and burying their heads into the first hole they could find.  It is heart breaking to see these innocent creatures in such distress because, of course, they are unable to understand the reasons for this imprisonment. This is the most difficult thing, not being able to explain to them the reasons for one’s actions. 

Today is one of worry. 


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