life begins when you accept your fate

Dogs and cats do not intellectualise their existence, they merely exist. They are members of a species, organic species, and they grow old and die. We have no more right to live then them or any other organic compound... but we have evolved the ability to think and this causes us tremendous problems. We try to cushion the blow of death by creating a heaven and a god... a good place to go when we die. I wish it were true but, no, when we die we rot (unless we are cremated) and there is no more. There is no afterlife... there is no soul to carry on. Death is the end. We live such complicated lives, endlessly battling to find a purpose in life. Always hoping to find the ‘meaning of life’ or to find happiness... life is just life... we are organic matter... fragile, weak, destined to die and life begins when we accept our fate. 


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