In many ways the spider in my shower is just like me. It
crawls frantically up and down the wall looking for a place where there is less
water and the ability to remain calm, undisturbed, unperturbed, undeterred, but
the more it moves the more it is affected by the water deflecting from my body
back onto the wall upon which it crawls. This could be a metaphor for many
things, for as I write it I think of corporations attempting to change in order
to ‘adapt and grow’ all the while moving deeper into trouble. For me it is the
constant attempt to escape bad people... tiresome people... boring people...
conventional people, my attempt to find some peace and quiet in this
conflicted, ignorant, arrogant, inconsiderate place. I seek those who live with
humility and no sense of entitlement. Unfortunately, they seem so few and the
search only reveals more of the ones who believe they are superior. So much in
life is wasted effort. Some times the things that we have to do to survive are degrading
and humiliating. We are on the brink of hatred every day.
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