breaking the belljar
Through music and literature I have once more found a wave
to carry me through dark times. I find strength in the art of those who look to
reason and questioning to find meaning in life; those who struggle and see the
bad aspects of life but who try to bring about some good through secular means
and not because they are told to do so by an ancient doctrine.
Also, I
feel pleased to have finally found the courage, in spite of financial fears and
commitment fears, to register to begin the Master’s Degree in English this
year. It helps to be actively engaged in something worthwhile whilst also
finding people to whom one can relate even if many of them are already dead.
I read
a poem that listed dead writers. The poet used this list to point out that
artistic creativity is often perilous… or at least produced by people who often
live on the brink. They are a sensitive people who feed on the pain of life to
fuel their creations. Sadly, this pain often overwhelms the sensitive and
creativity is not always a sufficient outlet… resulting in a Sylvia Plath or
Ernest Hemingway type end.
On a
positive note… it is wonderful to hear from you.
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