for i must
Don't take everything so seriously. Don't take
everything you read so seriously. Don't take yourself so seriously. You will
often find that you're not as good as you think you are or that you're not as
bad as you think you are. Often you will find those who believe themselves to
be good are actually pretty bad and those who believe themselves to be bad are
usually quite good. Consider creativity. Consider art. Consider art for art’s
sake... as Wilde once did. If my eye bleeds it's probably down to the conflict
inside. If I torture myself it’s because I’ve lost something and art often
resembles it or reminds me of it even if that art is your naked body, your
lips, eyes and hair. I write for I must. Calm down. We’re exploring. We’re
exploring the mind. We’re exploring the limits of our minds and of society and
of our moral consciousness and of our bodies. Everything must be done to test
the limits of rational thought but also to test and to push the conservative
herd. We prod and poke and hope to make tiny dents upon the road to change.
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