ghost words
It’s 3 o’clock in the morning and at this time I am forever
awake. It is 3 o'clock in the morning so I check the weather and I turn on the
television and I turn it off again because it's too bright. I talk to the
cats... I pay attention to the light falling upon the curtains and I listen to
the water warming in the immersion heater and wonder why you never told us what
was due to happen. And then there's you; your texts come through but they say
nothing. A waste of time. You don't want to be mine or even take the time to
communicate properly, so we may as well sever this. It's 3 o'clock in the
morning and it’s just the cats and I, the way it always is. The cats don't lie
to me and I don't have to try to make them like me. The ghosts of things said
haunt me at this hour of the witch and I'm unable to understand what was said
but more importantly I'm unable to understand what was not said.
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