‘All alone I’ll be an Empire’ were the words once wisely
uttered by Doctor Greg Graffin. There are oft times when I long for those I
cannot have and build myself into a state of morbidity over a lonely weekend in
my home but then I realise the potential and the unbridled joy of being single.
One message from a friend could lead to anything from a brief trip to the pub
for a few drinks to a night out on the town to European trip. These trips
themselves are fraught with potential for what may happen; a discovery of an
incredible place, the making of a friend, or a romantic fling with a relative
stranger. I often wonder what it must be like to be a single woman being
approached by men in almost every place they visit, being bought drinks when
out in pubs and clubs, and being begged for a secret kiss or a moment’s chance.
Never the less, I have been very fortunate to have visited Europe, America and
Africa as a single person travelling alone or with a friend and to have
experienced some incredible things and to have met fascinating people.
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