heart wars: a new hope

A week that began in terror turned out to be quite an interesting and pleasant one in which I had a few laughs, met some interesting people, and even found my heart beating fast as a result of an attraction to a person to whom I reached out yesterday in the hope that I might see more of her. The response was positive but now I must wait and see. I may see her again on Thursday but I am really hoping to hear from her again before that.
     ‘Hoping’… such a strange word for me. Do I seriously hope that this beautiful, young, French woman will have any interest in me whatsoever? Not really. But the interactions and the gestures and the dreams are what make life interesting. The note I wrote I handed to her in an envelope and said ‘something to read later.’ She looked in shock and excitement and said ‘Later? Not now?’ Then she went on ‘I must read it now, I cannot wait.’ She tore open the envelope and read the words. By the time she was finished the room was full of people and she turned around, smiled at me and nodded. After class she lingered and when we were alone she told me of Thursday and thanked me for the ‘very lovely card’.
     If nothing else, she made me happy for one day and has left me feeling that there is always that wonderful potential in loneliness… that potential to meet random people in random places and that is something to which I shall always cling even if the meetings are ultimately fruitless.


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