i'm fine

So, I can safely assume I have no readers. Good, back to the way it once was. Or perhaps it is that no one comments, for it seems that people are terrified of writing anything on the public web unless they are extremely wealthy or write about conservative politics/ideas/religion and promote positive thought and business ideas. But why does no one ever express themselves and reveal their true persona? It’s raw but surely we should not live in fear of offending an employer be it present or future. This is what I find to be the case with most… a deep fear, mostly, of upsetting potential future employers. Just the fact that I am writing this right now is offending certain people. What is my alternative? Hide inside and never express a feeling other than to say ‘Amazing lunch, amazing meeting, amazing everything all the time and no one is ever sad anywhere.’? My mother is in hospital with a lung problem, the books I read expose the brutality of mankind against his own and against animals, the films I watch are filled with car crashes and cancer, my love life is a barren wasteland, and I generally lack any brilliance. Sometimes loneliness is my only friend. Loneliness, pens, paper, keyboards, and my two cats. Oh, and perhaps this sad glass that so often sits here beside me (another thing that no one ever dare say).
            Alas, it is not all that bad. In spite of my mindless, miserable rants… I’m fine.


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