not all
In my dream I was at your house with you and your husband(?)
and it was descending into aggressive motions, words and stares. We went
outside and it was Los Angeles. A low-rider swerved towards us and crashed into
the curb. From the window men started shouting aggressively at your husband and
asking if you’d been with other people and if he cared and if he was going to
do anything about it. I was worried because I felt that they knew I had been
with you. You fell over on the pavement, drunk, in a short and awful dress that
revealed your underwear as you lay there for a few moments before getting up. I
wondered what I was doing there… how I’d got involved in all of this and how it
was that you wouldn’t walk away from it. As you rose to your feet you called to
your husband saying that you wanted to go out and have a good time… you both
got into the car and drove away. I awoke and felt a desolate despair. A
helplessness set in as I realised I was powerless to do anything to get you
away from him. I felt even more concerned by the fact that I understood deep
within that I didn’t want you to leave him, I just wanted you to spend some of
your time with me. A lot of your time but not all of it.
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