religious sacrifice

This may come across as heavily arrogant and self-loving but it is not intended to do so, I simply believe that it serves as an interesting study and also helps me to understand certain things.
Incredible is the number of women… involved and married women, who message me with extremely flirtatious content that then turns to sexual unleashing and sometimes to confessions of love. I have women who are married asking me for kisses, for photos, for visits… I have had relationships with some and have engaged in outrageous flirting with others. Some of them I have spoken to deeply and philosophically and tried to determine what it is that causes them to come to me (and, presumably, many others) in this manner. The answer, I suppose, is an obvious one… they are bored, they are sick of being with the same person, they feel that they are no longer desired, appreciated, spoken to or looked at in a way that makes them feel beautiful. The same applies to men, of course. Men feel that they are no longer wanted or appreciated and the more they seek the attentions and affections of their partners, the more they drive their partners away. The men talk to me about it but I have not yet had any ask me for sex : )
In life we want variety. We want fresh. Thus, I can confirm, marriage is dead. Marriage is a religious tradition and I can also confirm that God is dead. All of the Gods… all of the competing Gods created by the different cultures to cater for the individual culture’s needs and tastes are dead (except in the minds of some of those who created them). Stop worrying about marriage and god… have fun, die young and burn in hell (don’t worry, hell doesn’t exist – unless you consider Las Vegas and Dubai as hell, as I do, in which case, they do exist but you won’t burn in them for eternal damnation)
In conclusion, I once married… I married in a secular environment and God was not permitted… no bibles, no religious music, no religious readings or words… but, in spite of this, marriage is, no matter what you say, a religious tradition. My marriage was for visa purposes. My partner and I were deeply in love and wanted to be together but we were not permitted to be together because we were from different countries. We married to solve this problem. Ironically, years later, when my wife moved back to her home country to be with her boyfriend, we were not allowed to divorce either… the very authorities who prevented us from being together in the early days later refused to let us separate because marriage is LAW and LAW is GOD and GOD is GOVERNMENT and how dare you want to end your own personal relationship? After all, it is a promise to GOD.


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