hide inside
Winter’s shadow shortens and we can almost smell the spring
breeze as it gently caresses our cheeks with a promise that we won’t forever
freeze and awake in the darkness. A beautiful neighbour, estranged from her
husband, stares from her night-time window as if hoping for salvation and then
vanishes shortly before her scowling spouse appears in her place, aggressively
looking for signs of what it might have been that she was looking at. Sometimes
all one can do is write a note and set it afloat upon shores of hope. There is
beauty… there is an abundance of beauty in life… but sometimes it is necessary
to dig deep to find it. A friend this week said ‘depression is a normal state
of mind’. Perhaps she is correct. It seems that most people are suffering. We
have increased means of communication but our communication, in most cases,
seems to have decreased. It has become more shallow. The pace is too high and
there is no moderation. After all, we always want the things that we can’t have
and we become tired of the things that we have in abundance. We’ve lost
balance. There are so many lonely people out there but communication seems to
have changed from ‘who is your favourite author?’ to ‘would you like to fuck?’
and it has changed from one person asking to six hundred and fifty. So we hide
inside and try to forget the world whilst living in it every day, totally
disconnected from our fellow human beings.
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