
There is nothing that quite screams ‘I am depressed, alone, lost, and need help’ more than a positive thinking post on Facebook. Well, the religious group post comes close but, usually, goes so closely hand in hand with the former that it is almost difficult to differentiate. The lives of so many would be instantly improved if they could just stop worrying whether there is a God or not, stop seeking that elusive dream euphoric state of happiness, stop hoping for ‘the one’ to come along and make them ‘complete’ and simply start doing the things that they love right now. It’s true that often this severely lost state stems from never having developed a true interest in any specific thing… no specific music that appeals to them uniquely, no meaningful literature or art that holds deep significant thought and personal resonance, no hobby such as writing or music or painting or designing that will bring them a sense of peace and personal wellbeing… so it is difficult for them to find any meaning in anything other than what they perceive as love or religion. Don’t get me wrong, anyone who understands the reality of the cruelty of mankind should be depressed to a certain extent but placing your hope of happiness on the idea that things will suddenly become perfect means that you are resigning yourself to absolute despair.
So many are spat out of the womb into a homogenised society with no cultural guidance, with no ability to start to develop interests that are unique and that apply to them selves. Instead, they are taught that to exist is to fit in and to be ‘successful’ and to be ‘beautiful’ and to be ‘in love’. And love, they believe, is the product of success and beauty. So many are thrown into the fray with almost no hope of ever understanding that mankind has been dealing with the same emotions since it’s earliest moments, they are simply complexified and sped up by drugs and technology in modern times but, as far as I can see, life can still be beautiful and significant and meaningful through literature, art, music, friendship and by being as kind to other people as one possibly can be.
Read a book. Write a poem. Sing a song. Buy a record. Go to a museum with a friend. Feel yourself begin to develop.


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