Beautiful Boston turns blue as our dreams of winter come true. The
temperature is perfect for long walks through the city and last Sunday I
went out to the institute of contemporary arts for a brief exploration
of the new exhibits before heading for lunch and beers at Chart House on
the harbour. The waiter was so excited in trying to show me photos of
Obama’s daughter on her recent visit to the restaurant that he knocked
my beer over. Amazingly, when he replaced it, he only replaced it with a
little bit more than was left in the glass. Very unamerican. My date
was from China but a long-term resident in the USA and we discuss each
other’s fascinating and vastly differing cultures. The Asian culture is
dramatically more gentle and patient than our British and American ways.
Things seem almost too slow and yet when I am with westerners I often
find them too fast, too aggressive. A few nights later we misbehave in
the meeting room in my apartment building and she says that she nearly
suffered a heart attack. Distance has set in… she thinks I am a
‘player’. I hate the term. I am not. However, I do like to be single and
to travel and to explore the planet.
These days I sip Californian wine rather than Spanish. Contrary to
what many believe, it is not a massive compromise. I’m still driven by
art and literature and music. I am still delighted when I am able to
spend a Sunday in peace, on my couch, reading a book, watching English
football, listening to music. Once the game finishes I will go for a
long walk, deep into Cambridge. I want to punch the guy from the
Chevrolet adverts. He makes me feel like I need a drink. Cambridge will
soothe my soul and provide a little love before I return home to
blissful solitude.
I love this place.
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