fire alarm girl

 We had met a few weeks before, during a fire alarm and evacuation of the building. During the evacuation, we were standing outside next to one of the fire engines when some random guy, shirtless and maskless, started to shout at the firemen, asking them if they thought they were heroes for rushing to a building that had no fire. Fortunately for him, they ignored him.

‘Did you see that guy?’ she asked me? I felt self-conscious because I was wearing soccer shorts without underwear and a tight grey t-shirt (I had just showered a few moments before the alarm went off.)

‘Yes, I can’t believe his behaviour. And, of course, he was wearing no mask.’

‘I feel a bit stupid too,’ she said, ‘I left my cat alone inside.’

I responded, ‘It will be fine, just deaf.’ She laughed.

At that moment, a British couple heard me and, detecting my British accent, started to chat to me… the beautiful lady was lost as she walked up the stairs beyond my floor towards her apartment, wherever that was. As I thought about it, I realised that she resembled someone I saw most days at the swimming pool, but I couldn’t quite decide if it was her, as this girl seemed so regular in the street and the one at the pool seemed like a swimsuit model. A few days later, I saw her at the pool but couldn’t make up my mind, then later kicked myself for not asking. When I saw her again the following day, I walked directly up to her and asked if she was the girl from the fire alarm day.

‘Yes, I am’ she said with a laugh.

‘I am really sorry, when we spoke you were wearing a mask and I wasn’t sure.’ I felt intimidated to be so close to her while she was tanning because she was almost naked.

‘No problem at all, I completely understand. How are you doing?’ She seemed playful and happy.

‘I’m fine, thanks. How is your cat doing?’

‘I have two, they are both doing well.’

‘It is nice to see you again and to talk to you. I don’t want to be a pest or block out the sun, so I will leave you in peace.’ I didn’t want to overstay my welcome or become a nuisance, so I moved away and went to the other side of the pool.

A few days later, I returned to the pool area and there she was, Fire Alarm Girl, sitting on the step of the pool in the water. Absolutely beautiful. As I walked past her, she called out to me:

‘Hey, how are you doing? Nice to see you.’

‘Hello. Yes, nice to see you too.’

‘My name is Alana, by the way, what is yours?’

‘I am Michael… pleased to meet you.’

We spoke at length about work during virus times. She explained that she worked for FaceBook and had moved from Connecticut to Cambridge for work. I became ensconced in her beauty. So approachable, so humble, so friendly, and yet so deadly alluring.

‘Would you like to have a drink at the firepit sometime?’ I asked her, once I felt comfortable that she was genuinely interested in conversation and my company.

‘Sure, that would be really nice.’

‘Well, let me know, we could meet later, or any time that you are free.’ I gave her my phone number and she added it to her contacts in her phone.

‘What time does the soccer finish?’ I had told her I was going to watch the European soccer that afternoon.

‘It finishes at 5pm.’

‘Okay, I will message you later.’ She was smiling and I felt delighted to be making a new friend… someone I felt an instant attraction to.

That night, as the soccer finished, just before 5pm, a storm came rolling in… a severe storm. The sky turned black and a ferocious wind lashed the building amidst a torrent of rain. I realized that it was not possible to have drinks at the firepit, of course, but I felt that the storm was a great opportunity to open up a conversation and we could meet in the public area inside. However, the night passed by, the storm faded away, the sun reappeared, and a beautiful calm night unfolded. Nighttime came but no message. No message ever came.


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