life after death

 The most unexpected moments bring emptiness and pain. The sound of rain falling, or the sighting of an animal or a beautiful nature scene… either triggering a memory or making you want to capture and share a photo or a video… only to realise that the person you want to share it with is no longer there. She passed away three and a half months ago. Somehow it feels longer than that, it seems an eternity since we last spoke. Thank goodness that I got to see her for Christmas 2022 and New Year 2023. It was the first Christmas I had spent with my parents in many years… and it was my mother’s last one.

And with that in mind, I strive to make the most of the time that I have whilst trying to be responsible. This Saturday I will be travelling to Fort Worth, Texas, for the Punk in Drublic festival, NOFX’s last show ever in Texas. The mighty Lagwagon will be playing there, too, along with legends TSOL and The Vandals, The Codefendants, and a few others. I have booked a good hotel and had originally planned to make a little holiday weekend out of it. Then came the request to go to France. So, on Sunday, I will go straight from Fort Worth to the airport to fly to France for a small workshop with colleagues. After the workshop, I will remain for a few days to visit Monaco and Italy with a French friend of mine who lives in Israel now. I fly back just in time to see Bad Religion and Social Distortion live in Dallas, Texas.


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