just can't

 Arriving home to all that was familiar was wonderful. But, after a short while, it became apparent that everything had changed. They had voted for him… the criminal, the selfish bastard who stole and lied and cheated from anyone and everyone, even children with cancer or parents investing in the education of their children. He’s a mockery to politics, leadership, the country, decency. The days passed by, silent and empty. Everyone was married, having children, or wallowing in the joy of having ‘won’ regardless of the cost of that victory. There was no one to talk to. There was nothing. Everything felt lost and without significance. 

Now I spend my spare time reading to try to find solace, but I also spend time searching for places to live. Other countries, perhaps, to escape to, or do I simply move to a blue state to rebuild and fight back. I love this country and want to see it on a progressive path but, for now, I see that the majority of people want to go backwards, they fear change, they fear diversity, they want their old Top Gun life, 80s music, football, and hot dogs. It’s not easy to live in a community that consists of a majority of people who voted for this. Thank goodness for things such as the Dallas Museum of Art and all of the great museums I have visited around the country as I have travelled around. They give me hope and inspiration. However, I know they will be more dependent than ever on private funding because the incumbent government will not support art and culture, just as it won’t support education. 

It's as if we don’t want life to be better. We don’t want people to be happy. Even ourselves. For instance, all of these Return to Office devotees who insist on being in the office 5 days a week from 8am to 6pm. They don’t take vacations, they don’t believe in workcations, they don’t want flexibility, they simply refuse to be happy. They refuse a work/life balance. 

For now… I just can’t.



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