
 The temperature dropped to -5 last night and will do the same again tonight. I feel so sad and sorry for my feral cat, Fundar, who has been my friend here in the building for the past three years. She won’t allow anyone to stroke her or get too near… but she does let me sit next to her as she eats or as she basks in the sun. She refuses to come inside and, on the odd occasion that she has found herself inside, she has panicked. Today I found her sitting in the sun, but the temperature had only risen to 3 degrees Celsius, and it was still windy, so she was cold. She is a wise creature, though, she somehow knows how to cope with these varying weather extremes. I do wonder where she sleeps at night. Tonight I have ordered a weatherproof outdoor bed for her, but I am not sure if I am allowed to put it out in the building. I will try and see what happens.


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