Demon eyes
Sometimes it is essential to get very drunk and suffer a terrible hangover so that you are able to appreciate it when you are sober again. There have been times that I have gone through many days with hangovers, and I envied those people who said they had given up drinking and felt great. Recently, I have been sober a lot and, yes, it often feels great, but, like anything, it becomes very boring at times.
A few times in my life I have decided to lose weight, too… I do this moderately, not by going on a diet for 6 months during which you eat no carbs, drink no alcohol, have no fun and no excitement. Instead, I eat small portions of food (any kind of food) during the week; I have fruit for breakfast, a sandwich for lunch, and any meal for dinner… but always small portions. I don’t eat crisps (chips) between meals, and I don’t have chocolate or ice cream… I don’t drink alcohol. When the weekend comes around, I drink and eat pretty much what I want. Of course, this does not mean that I am shoving snacks and burgers down my throat from morning to night, but I will have pizza or fries, I will have some crisps, and I will drink alcohol. However, once you have been reducing your intake for a while, you will find that you simply can’t consume what you did before. And the benefits of opening up on the weekend are twofold; one benefit being that you don’t get bored/depressed/suicidal, and another benefit being that your body doesn’t simply shut down and go into starvation mode meaning that you can eat nothing for months and simply never lose weight. Instead, it gets used to the balance and, overall, the calorie deficit takes control.
It has worked very well for me in the past and I have been doing this again for four weeks now. In four weeks, I have lost 3.4kgs (7.5lbs). I’m getting to the point where my clothes are starting to feel a little looser, I feel more comfortable in t-shirts, and my shorts and jeans are starting to feel loose on the legs and around the waist. That is a great feeling and really is an inspiration to continue. Having said that, it is Wednesday today, and I was invited to go out drinking with a group of friends. I said no… simply because I must establish a level of discipline and weight loss before I allow myself to simply break the routine. I can’t say that is easy, and I am desperately awaiting the weekend so that I can open the bar.
Don’t demonise yourself, look through your demon eyes on the weekend and stay mentally healthy as well as physically.
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