Planet Hoth

 At the moment, my life feels like that scene from The Empire Strikes Back in which Luke Skywalker is out exploring Planet Hoth on his Tauntaun and gets attacked by a Wampa. When he fails to return to the base, Han Solo is in a complete panic, realizing that Luke may freeze to death out in the cold. I am Han Solo. It is currently hovering around -10 Celsius with a ‘feels like’ much lower, and I keep staring out of the door looking for the feral cat that I feed and talk to every day. She has been around for years and has coped with a lot, but I fear for her in this temperature. She refuses to come inside or to lose her independence. So, the cat is out in the cold, my soccer team sucks, the president destroying my mental health, work is very high pressure at the moment, my friends are sick or sad or both, and there seems to be no reprieve. 


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