christmas science
Christmas Day is always an interesting one. It’s a day upon which we often scramble to our friends and family facing chaos of weather and mind only to avoid that which society deems unacceptable; to be alone on Christmas day. As an atheist I do find the concept fascinating. In spite of my atheism, I have always been fond of Christmas... simply because it is a time that most people on the planet are not at work and because it is the one day of the year that people generally find it acceptable to consume alcohol to a point of intoxication. I have spent a number of Christmases in various places and with different and sometimes strange people. In 1999 I spent Christmas day in Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA, with a family I had met online and had only just physically met. It was a great time even if unusual. In 2001 I spent Christmas in Surrey, England, with the family of my then housemate. I’d only just met the family and it was a very difficult experience to sit in their living room as they al...