
Oh, genes, I don't know what happiness means.

A week spent pushing the limits. Too much alcohol. Too little sleep. Too many interactions. Too many emotions. Finally the play, the dance, the decay… the constant striving of people for sex… driven by the genetic coding deigned to cause every living species to procreate, and yet humans do it with less finesse than any other species. We get drunk and turn into a species massively inferior to all others and we focus on nothing other than the most attractive person in the room. I am guilty, I find myself in a room and taken by a magnificent specimen. I approach and talk for a few seconds but I don’t have the drive or competitiveness to compete with the other gorillas all looking to mate. I sit in the corner with a drink and watch the date dance – the queue of primates trying to break through – people oblivious to what they are doing or why but simply driven by primal instincts. I finish my drink, take my coat off the rack, and sneak silently out of the door before a...


Every day I awake to a blue sky and although it makes everyone happy, it somehow depresses me. It never changes… every day another clear blue sky. But I should not complain because on the winter week days I awake in darkness and get up to prepare for work. I walk to the office in the cold morning air, filled with anxiety and depression. The thoughts I harbour upon that walk are all bad thoughts… thoughts of aggressive environments, thoughts of lost love and of the fickle nature of human beings.             I am grateful for these mornings in bed, alone, with music and books. The sounds of Johnny Cash’s ‘Get Rhythm’ currently fill the room and the day stretches out before me filled with leisure time. This is happiness. And yet I am aware that the normal anxiety will creep in as the day comes to an all too abrupt conclusion and the threat of a five-day working week looms. It is not working hard that I fear, it ...

hallowed be thy name... the shame... the pain.

We had lunch in the Mosque… it was quiet, romantic, beautiful, peaceful. The scent of the food wafted through as I gazed into you and you told me about your weekend with intensity and laughing… and the very same fucking day there was an Islamist attack in Paris whereby 12 French cartoonists were killed for drawing Mohammed in their magazine. It’s a tragedy I simply cannot reconcile with and one that makes me fear even more deeply for the human race as a whole. We have fallen so deeply into an abyss; an abyss where shooting people is not as bad as drawing the image of a man-made god. Pain magnified. Different levels of pain. Yesterday there was total silence and today two words. Two words which may as well have been ‘fuck you’. They weren’t quite but they meant as much. And so I sit here, Friday night, alone, sipping a glass of wine and watching a film about an Amateur American poet. My thoughts, of course, turn to you and… one of the last things true… a genuine ...


Each time I think of meeting up with you I remember your walk and I change my mind. It’s strange that you still contact me. But, I suppose, we are always contacted by those we are not interested in. I do it, I contact people I am interested in and most probably because I know they are not interested in me. I am not sure if it is because we are all aiming too high or if it is the challenge or if it is simply a security measure built into us… we go for those who don’t want us because, ultimately, we are afraid of the person truly being interested. If we are going to sacrifice our lives in that way we may as well aim high and ensure that the pain is somewhat worth it. So many of us waste so much time waiting for, or clinging to, or obsessed with someone who does not have the slightest of interest in us. It’s a food chain, and endless competition. Like social media content… everyone striving for the best photo – these days it’s action sports – if you can get one of yo...


A walk in the cold night air shortly after the Madrid sun has sunk and the sky is pink and orange. Past the institute of biodiversity and the water features I walk and I am dazzled by the beauty of this city, and I am proud to witness these sights walking so close to my own home. Moments later I am with friends, Spanish, French, Argentinian… I am the only Englishman and, although I miss the English, I am pleased by the variety of nationalities in my life these days. Beers begin to flow… conversations become ridiculous… there is sushi… then there is gin and tonic… standing outside next to a tube of flickering lights and looking to the star-filled sky I think of those who no longer care if I live or die… and, for some reason, they still mean a lot to me.

Searching for Bukowski

It’s been a long and arduous battle since September 2013 when I began my Masters Degree in English. I have navigated a complex maze of Greek tragedy, German post-war drama, South African afterlives of Robinson Crusoe, witnessed Paradise Lost, envisaged William Blake naked in his garden, tampered with Lord Byron and explored British India in the nineteenth century. Now I am suffering in the blaze of intense deadlines and trying to finish the final part of this sixteen-month pilgrimage. If I succeed, I will set sail in search of Charles Bukowski. Bukowski is a writer I have admired for several years now and whose works I have collected fanatically throughout those years. My goal is to write my Thesis on this man and his work and, as I have been lying here, awake, since 3am and it is now 6:30am, I am contemplating a trip to Los Angeles to discover more about the home of this poetic legend.

religious sacrifice

This may come across as heavily arrogant and self-loving but it is not intended to do so, I simply believe that it serves as an interesting study and also helps me to understand certain things. Incredible is the number of women… involved and married women, who message me with extremely flirtatious content that then turns to sexual unleashing and sometimes to confessions of love. I have women who are married asking me for kisses, for photos, for visits… I have had relationships with some and have engaged in outrageous flirting with others. Some of them I have spoken to deeply and philosophically and tried to determine what it is that causes them to come to me (and, presumably, many others) in this manner. The answer, I suppose, is an obvious one… they are bored, they are sick of being with the same person, they feel that they are no longer desired, appreciated, spoken to or looked at in a way that makes them feel beautiful. The same applies to men, of course. Men...